Footnotes to history

Odd short pieces we have tripped over in our work

6 September 2022

The Leviathan limps home

The aftermath of the Battle of Trafalgar was a time that stretched already exhausted men and ships to the limit. As Collingwood reported ‘The fleet was […]
6 September 2022

The loss of the Hanover

Wednesday May 1st 1765 Ordered that Mrs Statira Sherburne, Widow of Joseph Sherburne late Commander of His Majesty’s Packet Boat the Hanover unfortunately lost in December […]
2 August 2022

The death of Admiral Collingwood

Vice Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood rarely gets the praise that he deserves for his part in the Battle of Trafalgar. A long-standing friend of Nelson’s, he was […]