Packet Surgeon’s Journals

28 October 2020

Lockdown updates

The Covid 19 lockdown has given us the chance to catch up with a series of articles which had previously been ‘one day, I shall …’ […]
14 February 2020

‘A very nice middy’ – Daniel Pender RN 1832-1891

A chance encounter led Volunteer Linda Batchelor on the trail of Daniel Pender, a Falmouth boy descended from a line of Packet ship sailors, who helped […]
29 October 2019

The Guns of Prussia’s Cove

Cornwall is almost synonymous with smuggling and few late C18 smuggling families are more famous than the Carters of Prussia’s (now Prussia) Cove. They, and their […]
30 August 2019

Penzance registered luggers and MFVs

We are fortunate that a large collection of historic photographs exist showing some of the luggers and motor fishing vessels registered in Penzance and fishing both […]
20 April 2019

Operation Ariel and Falmouth – June 1940

The evacuation from Dunkirk of June 1940 is well-known but the evacuation from the rest of France in Operation Ariel is rarely mentioned in accounts of […]
12 February 2019

New: Broad and Sons, Ship Agents of Falmouth

There were two leading Ship Agents operating in the town during Falmouth’s heyday in the C19: Fox’s and Broad’s. These companies provided services to ship owners […]
20 November 2018

New: Edward Lawrance’s journal

Edward Lawrance was the commander of the Anna Teresa packet which left Falmouth for the Caribbean on 9 June 1776. He kept a journal which was […]
30 October 2018

New: Falmouth’s Annus Horribilis

Falmouth may have been the first and last major port to the west and a ‘safe anchorage’ in a storm but it was not ideal, especially […]
21 August 2018

New: The Last of the Sailing Cutters

We have added a new section which contains a transcription of the diaries of Walter Benson Hunkin, originally of Mevagissey in Cornwall. He served aboard the last […]
21 August 2018
James' illustration of a bonito

New: More stories from the Packet Surgeon

As well as re-presenting Maritime Views we have taken the opportunity to add some more material for some of our existing stories. One of these is […]
8 July 2018

We are only human …

The transfer of data from the old website to this one has been a massive (manual) effort. Although we have tried hard to re-edit everything, we […]
26 June 2018

Welcome to the new Maritime Views website

We are sailing … again. Our previous site has been causing all sorts of problems recently and so we have been back to the starting line […]
17 August 2018

De Omnibus rebus

Haec partim ex libris Excerpsi, partier egomet pro soupei De Omnibus rebus, Mullisque alid ~~~ A person being asked what he thought of the assassination of […]
17 August 2018

To Miss Caroline Wiggins

To Miss Caroline Wiggins, who threatened to throw a cup of tea over Alfred Snell & me. Sepr.r 1832. My dearest Miss W—, your pardon I pray, […]
17 August 2018


As well as his journals, James Williamson produced a series of short pieces on other subjects. The pleasures of a life at sea The miseries of […]
16 August 2018

Lt. Robert Snell and the Duke of York Packet

Lt. Robert Snell, R.N. : 1784-1858, Falmouth Packet Commander 1825-1835: and H.M. Packet Duke of York Robert Snell was the second son of a Falmouth sailmaker. He […]
16 August 2018

The Background

The Packet Surgeon’s diaries probably run to several hundred thousand words, no mean feat for a young man even if he did have time on his […]
16 August 2018

James Williamson : 1805-1858

Falmouth Packet Surgeon, 1828-1835. Born in 1805, James Williamson was the son of James Williamson, Excise Officer, & Mary Williamson (nee Blair). The family may have […]
2 August 2018

Voyage 17 – Halifax 1835

  Voyage to Halifax Sailed 7th February 1835 – Returned 8th May 1835 Absent 13 weeks 6 days This was James’ final voyage aboard The Duke and although it […]
2 August 2018

Ship’s Company 17

Lieutenant W.m James R.N. –  Commander John Pascoe – Master James Williamson – Surgeon James Everret – Mate James Edwards – Steward 1 William Hawkin – Boatswain 2 Hugh Bond – Cook William Stevens […]
2 August 2018

Weeks 1 & 2

Saturday 7th February 1835 – there being only one Mail to make, to day and that ours, we left the Harbour at 10 A.M. Gloomy weather. […]