Mudhook Yacht Club

This club was founded in 1873, largely through the influence of Mr. Colin Scott, for the purpose of promoting amateur seamanship amongst yachtsmen. Associated with Mr. Scott, as original members of the club, were Mr. James Reid and Messrs. John and Robert Sly, as well as Mr. Scott’s brothers. The membership was limited to forty, and this limitation was instrumental in enabling the founders to keep their chief aim in view—that of encouraging amateur seamanship—as the very keenest sailors on the Clyde were always ambitious of becoming members. The admission to member­ship of the club is made the occasion of a ceremony, which takes place on board a vessel belonging to the club, when the candidate is subjected to an examination in the uses of the chart, etc., and is expected to show proficiency in the various details that go to the making of a sailor.

The majority of the members are drawn from the ranks of Clyde yachtsmen, but on the roll there are the names of many men well known in yachting circles in other districts, who have esteemed it an honour to be thus associated with this club. One quaint conceit of the club was to have an Admiral as chief flag-officer, and this post was held for many years by Mr. Robert Scott, while his brother Colin discharged the secretarial duties. Both died quite recently, lamented by all Clyde followers of the sport. The office of Admiral is now occupied by Mr. James Lilburn.

The annual regatta is held at Hunter’s Quay, and is one of the chief fixtures which go to making up the Clyde Fortnight. The regatta of 1894 will long be remembered for the tragedy which marked the start of the race for the Muir Memorial Challenge Cup. Vigilant was starting for the first time in British waters, and was meeting her old ‘Cup opponent’, Valkyrie II. The other competitors were Britannia and Satanita. During the manoeuvring for the start Valkyrie was sunk by Satanita in the latter’s endeavour to avoid running down a small boat.

The Mudhook has no quarters of its own, but its members are always welcomed at the Royal Clyde house.