Royal Tay Yacht Club

The average English yachtsman regards the Firth of Tay as a remote district for all practical purposes. The importance of a yachting centre has come to be gauged almost entirely by its power to attract the fleets of racers which do the round of the coast every summer. Under existing conditions, the chances of any of the big vessels being attracted so far North seem to be remote. The fact, therefore, of the Royal Tay Yacht Club flourishing in the district speaks volumes for the enthusiasm of the yachtsmen who keep the sport alive there. The club was founded in 1885, so that it is some four years junior to the Royal Forth, with which it shares the honour of being the principal organization devoted to yachting on the East Coast of Scotland. Its quarters are situated at Broughty Ferry. The post of Commodore is filled by Captain G. D. Clayhills-Henderson, R.N., while Captain A. L. Scott, R.N., is Vice-, and Mr. J. Gordon-Lyon Rear-Commodore.