Sail to Caribbean

The 9th of July 1831 – the fated day arrived, and brought with it no confirmation of our hopes, that our stay would be prolonged. At 7 A.M., our warning gun was fired, and our signal displayed on board our vessel in the outer roads, where she had gone yesterday afternoon. With reluctant steps I repaired to my boat about ½ past 8, and was soon conveyed to my floating habitation. And what a contrast was there presented to the scene which usually met my eyes, when about to proceed to sea. Instead of lumbered decks – crowds of boats filed with stores & provisions – inconvenience and discomfort, wherever you turned yourself we had now clean decks, freed from all unnecessary lumber – cabins nice & comfortable – and every thing looking as if we had but just come from sea. Never since I joined the Duke of York have I sailed under such pleasant auspices, and all this was the work of a new` administration to speak the language of political reform. Our old Steward M.r W.m Waistcott (an excellent fellow, if he pleased) was discharged from the Packet on our arrival last voyage, and James Pashbee, his former mate, was appointed in his room. We had also a new Steward’s Mate, and a new Cook, all of whom did their best to put what lay under their charge in good trim, and the result has been a degree of cleanliness, order, & comfort to which we had long been strangers.

Before 12 oClock our three passengers came on board, and I was glad to learn that our Commander had refused to take some Miners as steerage passengers. The luggage of our passengers was soon put away, occasioning only a temporary inconvenience, and by noon, when the Commander came on board with a very heavy Mail, we were quite prepared for starting. No time was lost – we instantly loosed from our buoy, and set off in dashing style, with a fresh wind and studding sails set. H.M. Packet Barracouta [1] preceded us out of Harbour, about an hour, with the Mail for Halifax and Bermuda. The weather was delightful, and together with the first fair wind, which we had had for weeks, and which (luck to us) only sprung up this morning, contributed to dispel in some measure the dark clouds of melancholy and regrets, which overspread our minds, when bidding adieu to country and friends. At 6 P.M. we took our departure from the Lizard, and stretched out into the Atlantic.

Sunday 10th July – very cloudy w.r fresh and  favourable breezes – Quite comfortable.

Monday 11th – cloudy weather. Fresh and favourable breeze.

Tuesday 12th – glorious wind. Weather cloudy but fair.

Wednesday 13th – fine weather. Wind fresh and favourable but inclinable to draw forward. Several vessels in sight all bound to the South.d

Thursday 14th – fine weather. A slight shower in the afternoon, which brought a wind a little more favourable than we had in the fore part of the day.

Friday 15th – beautiful weather – unfavourable breeze in the forenoon but in the afternoon we had the trade wind ENE, which we hope will carry us on to Barbadoes. At 5 P.M. M.r Mercer paid M.r Ford 20 Spanish dollars on condition that from and on Monday 18th ins.t M.r Ford should give M.r Mercer one dollar each [day] till our arrival at Barbadoes.

Saturday 16th July – very fine W.r light and favourable breeze.

Sunday 17th – beautiful weather. Moderate and favourable breeze all day – fresh at night.

Monday 18th – very fine weather. The island of Madeira in sight this morning. Fresh and favourable breeze. M.r Mercer drew off his bet above mentioned with a loss of 2 dollars.

[The completion of the voyage to Barbados from July 18th taking another 18 days. In all 26 days from Falmouth]

Tuesday 19th – fine weather – fresh and favourable breeze.

Wednesday 20th – cloudy in the forenoon – fine afternoon – fresh and favourable breezes.

Thursday 21st – fine day – lovely afternoon. Fresh favourable breezes in the morning – moderate when the sun was most powerful but a glorious breeze at night.

Friday 22d – cloudy weather. We have for nearly a week past and will we hope, for some time continue to roll most gloriously down trades. To have an idea of our motion, you have only to fancy a man half seas over, progressing with a swing from side to side, as regularly as the swinging motion of a pendulum.

Saturday 23d – cloudy weather – fresh and favourable breeze.

Sunday 24th – fine weather – fresh and favourable breeze. Performed divine service as usual at 10.30 A.M.

Monday 25th July – moderate and favourable breeze – variable weather.

Tuesday 26th – very cloudy weather – fresh and favourable breeze.

Wednesday 27th – cloudy weather. Fresh and favourable breeze.

Thursday 28th – cloudy but pleasant – fresh and favourable breeze.

Friday 29th – cloudy morning – fine afternoon – moderate and favourable breezes.

Saturday 30th – beautiful weather, very light variable but favourable breezes.

Sunday 31st – fine weather in the forenoon, cloudy with occasional showers in the afternoon. Light breezes in the morning, fresh but squally in the evening.

Monday 1st August – fine in the morning and evening, cloudyafternoon. Fresh and favourable breeze.

Tuesday 2d – very fine weather. Fresh and favourable breeze.

Wednesday 3d – fine weather. Moderate and favourable breeze.

Read on … Barbados